
Oh the good Old Navy

After my last pair of jeans that fitted me well ripped on me a while ago and as I got tired of wearing black pants, I finally went shopping for new jeans yesterday. I had planned to finally give in to 14+ size stores, so I headed downtown confident that I would finally find my size easily, and not spend an hour searching for a size 14 in "regular" stores. This would be my first time.
As I got to the mall I just thought I'd take a look at Old Navy, although last time all they had left was size 2, not very motivating. But I said "Oh what the hell, It's my day off and I got time." It so happens that they just got their new stuff in and they had plenty of size 14 jeans, it was paradise. I got this really nice pair, which fit me like a glove! Oh that made me feel good. I remember that last time I went shopping there the only size 14 left was a skinny jean, which by the way I detest since it makes me look like a big pear, not flattering at all.
I also have to state here that, most of the times, when I do find a size 14 in regular stores it definitely does not fit like a 14 but more like a 10 or 12. How annoying is that? I've tried hundreds of pairs that said "14" and they didn't even go up my thighs, don't tell me that's a 14 because I really need that extra inch or two to close my pants properly.
The other piece of good news is that i went down two more pounds, which leaves me at 176. I'm re-reading Atkins, which makes me more motivated than I alreday am. If you ever read Atkins, you know what I'm talking about, I really enjoy the way the book is written.


Day Seven: The first weigh in

I stepped onto the scale after a week of low-carb eating and I must say I feel completely frustrated. Please hand me something really heavy so I can break my scale, will you? I'm down two pounds. Yes, only two pounds lighter. I really thought I lost more than that, even my pants felt looser a couple of days ago! Now, I must be doing something wrong. Last year when I did Atkins, I lost at least five pounds after the first week. I felt really confident this week that I was doing everything right. But no, obviously I'm not.
Now, let's see why I didn't lose more. I did drink a lot of diet coke. It's that time of the month. I had this very heavy gravy in a restaurant. That's all I can think of. I hope at least one of these things can account for the mere two pounds lost.
I did read somewhere that the second time doing Atkins is not the first time. We tend to lose the weight slower.
I'm extremely frustrated right now. When will this weight come OFF? This week coming up I'm going to be extremely careful of everything I eat and drink.
And thinking on the positive side, at least I lost two pounds. At least I didn't gain, right? Right? Right...
Have you guys gone through this? Thinking you made a respectable effort and actually not losing a respectable amount of weight?