Oh the good Old Navy
After my last pair of jeans that fitted me well ripped on me a while ago and as I got tired of wearing black pants, I finally went shopping for new jeans yesterday. I had planned to finally give in to 14+ size stores, so I headed downtown confident that I would finally find my size easily, and not spend an hour searching for a size 14 in "regular" stores. This would be my first time.
As I got to the mall I just thought I'd take a look at Old Navy, although last time all they had left was size 2, not very motivating. But I said "Oh what the hell, It's my day off and I got time." It so happens that they just got their new stuff in and they had plenty of size 14 jeans, it was paradise. I got this really nice pair, which fit me like a glove! Oh that made me feel good. I remember that last time I went shopping there the only size 14 left was a skinny jean, which by the way I detest since it makes me look like a big pear, not flattering at all.
I also have to state here that, most of the times, when I do find a size 14 in regular stores it definitely does not fit like a 14 but more like a 10 or 12. How annoying is that? I've tried hundreds of pairs that said "14" and they didn't even go up my thighs, don't tell me that's a 14 because I really need that extra inch or two to close my pants properly.
The other piece of good news is that i went down two more pounds, which leaves me at 176. I'm re-reading Atkins, which makes me more motivated than I alreday am. If you ever read Atkins, you know what I'm talking about, I really enjoy the way the book is written.
I love old navy too! i never feel guilty for shopping there because I can buy something trendy and get my money's worth before it goes out or wears out. it seems that I am a different size in every store I go to. at old navy, i usually can find a size that I am mentally and physically comfortable with.
hope all is well :)
How are you doing?
Hey just wanted to say I am loving your blog. I am starting Induction this Saturday (I have to eat all this crap food I have first). Hopefully there will be no more sucking in and low carb will be my new way of life. Keep up the good work!
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